「躲貓貓」英文怎麼說? | 台灣美食網
2021年1月11日—遮住雙眼,手再緩緩移開,這樣的動作會把嬰兒逗得咯咯笑。這種遊戲就叫「躲貓貓」。Anearlytheoryofwhybabiesenjoypeekabooisthatthey ...
One of us hides our eyes and then slowly reveals them, which causes peals of laughter from a baby. This game is called 「peekaboo」.
An early theory of why babies enjoy peekaboo is that they are surprised when things come back after being out of sight. The game isnt just a joke, but helps babies test and re-test a fundamental principle of existence: that things stick around even when you cant see them.
As the baby gets older they can enjoy the adult hiding and reappearing, but after a year or so they can learn to take control by hiding and re...
遊戲無國界!『躲貓貓』、『大風吹』英文怎麼說? | 台灣美食網
鬼抓人、紅綠燈、老師說⋯⋯這些經典遊戲的英文怎麼說? | 台灣美食網
流行詞彙躲貓貓英語翻譯hide-and | 台灣美食網
躲猫猫 | 台灣美食網
"躲貓貓" 英文翻譯 | 台灣美食網
安雅英文 | 台灣美食網
我喜歡和他玩躲貓貓.的英文翻譯 | 台灣美食網
「躲貓貓」英文怎麼說? | 台灣美食網